
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Signs that your husband or man is gay!

-A woman's biggest fear isn't that her man is cheating. It isn't that her man buys too much porn. It isn't that her man is drinking too much and it isn't that her man is buying prostitutes or gambling away his money or even has an illegitimate child somewhere out there. Their biggest fear is that he is gay. Let's face it ladies. That scares you half to death because well he could already be doing said gay things and you could have some weird disease. OR you are helplessly and irrevocably in love with a man that ONE isn't even attracted to you or TWO has lied and deceived you and possibly used you for god knows how long. OR both. Because if a man is gay and he knows it then he must have you around for mere appearances only. Sad, yes... and if you have kids even more sad.

Here are the signs:

1. Always been a liar. Lies about the smallest and minute things. I mean his whole life is pretty much a sham anyways.

2. Suddenly his dress style has changed. Went from dressing like a bum to buying polos and outfits that actually make him look good. Has become concerned with his appereance out of the blue.

3. Is a boys boy. Would rather hang with the boys then you. And I mean if he has that one guy friend that he hangs with non stop all the time... alone. Be concerned.

4. This is a big one here. EXTREME HOMOPHOBIC. Very uncomfortable with people that are gay. Comments about how much he hates them. Why well its a self-defense mechanism... he isn't comfortable with people that can accept their preferences so easily.

5. Sex drive is diminished. Suddenly you have to make the first move and even then he may say he is too tired or isn't in the mood. If he was once a maniac in the sex and suddenly stops asking for sex completely. There is an issue.

6. Self-medicating. Drinks a lot? Is doing some type of drug? Can't stand being sober because he can't stand his thoughts anymore. Thinks there is something wrong with him. Self loathing maybe?

7. Anger. Starts lashing out. Becomes distant. Always on the defensive. Claims its because of stress or other issues. But when not around you. Completely okay.

8. Dates girls that have low self esteems. Aren't that good looking. Maybe a little overweight. Why? Because he isn't attrated to females anyways. Besides with a girl like that there is better emotional and bonding connection on a friendship level. In reality they both have low self esteems anyways and balance each other out.

9. Has admitted to considering and or having a three some with a male. Has been caught searching through gay porn. Only watches female doggy or anal style. In reality he isn't interested in the girls ass but the motion of the Penis entering the butt. Why do this? They don't want to be caught viewing actual gay porn. It is still considered taboo in their brain.

10. Personality has completely changed.

*If you believe your man is gay or a repressed gay confronting them won't do you any good. Wait it out. When they're ready. They will tell you. If you truly believe they are gay. Don't stay with them. Because there is a major difference between being bi and being gay. And if you think he can be bi and be faithful just like any other relationship then you need to talk to him about that.

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